Color Healing Therapy
Color therapy, also known as chromatherapy , has been around since ancient times. In a therapeutic aspect, it is used to balance an individual where energy is lacking, whether it is an emotional, spiritual, physical, or mental problem. In a more scientific aspect, color therapy is used to stimulate the body’s healing process and treat many diseases.
How it works:
Red is associated with energy, empowerment, and stimulation. It is used for circulation and stimulation of red blood cell production.
Orange is associated with pleasure, enthusiasm, and sexual stimulation. It is used as an antibacterial agent and to ease digestive discomforts.
Yellow is associated with wisdom and clarity. It is used as a decongestant, antibacterial agent, and for the digestive and lymphatic systems.
Green is associated with balance and calmness. It is used for treatment of ulcers, as an antiseptic, a germicide, and as an antibacterial agent.
Blue is associated with communication and knowledge. It is used to eliminate toxins, and treat liver disorders and jaundice.
Indigo is associated with sedative qualities, calmness, and intuition. It is used to control bleeding and abscesses.
Violet is associated with enlightenment, revelation, and spiritual awakening. It is used to soothe organs, relax muscles, and calm the nervous system
Warm colors are generally used for illnesses of weakness, and cool colors are commonly used for illnesses of excess. Vibrationsfrom the colors are believed to balance the individual. Chakras are areas of the body associated with certain colors. When an individual is experiencing a problem with a certain area of the body, different colors work to heal the associated chakra. There are seven chakras associated with the body.
The second chakra is associated with the color orange and is located at the pelvis and groin area.
The third chakra is associated with the color yellow and is located at the solar plexus.
The fourth chakra is associated with the color green and is located at the heart.
The fifth chakra is associated with the color blue and is located at the throat.
The sixth chakra is associated with the color indigo and is located at the brow.
The seventh chakra is associated with the color violet and is located at the crown of the head.
There are different methods to administer color therapy to a patient. One method is colored body wraps, where the individual is wrapped in a cloth of the necessary color to treat their ailment. Another method is eating certain colors of food, or drinking water from a colored glass that has sat in the sunlight for a certain amount of time.
The scientific aspect of color therapy explains that color therapy works through the regulation of the pineal gland. The pineal gland contains melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin is associated with sleep, whereas serotonin is associated with wakefulness. When an individual produces too much melatonin, they can suffer from depression. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that’s action is linked with mental disturbances, such as schizophrenia and hallucinogenic states.
Max Luschner, a professor of psychology at Basle University, states that the significance of color originated in early history when behavior was governed by day and night (the colors yellow and dark blue respectively). He believes that differences in metabolic rate and glandular secretions are due to color, and autonomic responses in the body are involved with color.
There are many claims to color therapy’s healing abilities. Among them are therapy helps cure:
heart disease cancer
osteoporosis menstrual problems
depression jaundice in premature babies
dyslexia migraines
snoring rheumatoid arthritis
injured tissue addictions
eating disorders impotence
sleeplessness psychological benefits
Color therapy is relatively safe. If someone is planning on trying color therapy they should visit a qualified practitioner. Too much exposure to one color can cause problems in an individual’s health. The color red should be handled with the most caution, because it can lower resistance to pain, increase blood pressure, and cause changes in heart and brain function. Pregnant women should be careful with color therapy also because color can affect the embryonic cell structure. Color therapy should not be used as a substitute for conventional treatment of any physical disease
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